From October 25th to 27th, the V International Congress of Medical-Surgical Nursing took place in Figueira da Foz (Coimbra).

The first day was fully dedicated to Online Workshops and on-site courses, where we participated in the Cerebrovascular Course with our active drainage system  (with possibility of automatized washing and drainage) under continuous integrated ICP monitoring: IRRAflow.

It was an honor for us to participate in this event. Congratulations to the organization!

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We have participated in the XXIV edition of SPNC (Portuguese Society of Neurosurgery) Course, held in Coimbra from 21 to 23rd October.

During the event, we presented some of our solutions dedicated to Neurosurgery specialty, as well as some novelties!

The programme,  guided by excellent speakers, was quite diversified and with highly relevant content in this area.

It was a great important moment of sharing and learning for all the participants.

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A neurosurgery team from Coimbra University Hospital implanted an innovative device on an hemorrhagic stroke patient.

The system consists on a transformational technology that provides a controlled fluid exchange system, allowing the neurosurgeons to actively manage intracranual pressure and CSF drainage.

With this new device, that hospital unit hopes to “significantly contribute to improve the results of the treatment of this serious pathology“.

CHUC is the biggest Portuguese hospital having a comprehensive research, teaching and patient-centred care approach (Linkedin profile).

Loose translation

Source: TSF Online ; CHUC – Wikipedia ; CHUC – LinkedIn